
Chris Colbert

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Acclaimed speaker, author, and pioneer, Chris Colbert is an unstoppable force in the realm of business optimization. Born into a global setting with his father being a four-star US Navy admiral, Chris was primed from a young age to be a dynamic leader.

He has held the reins of numerous national and international corporations, ranging from database organizations to consulting and advertising firms, propelling business growth and masterminding turnaround strategies. His work in finance, education, and healthcare sectors is particularly notable as he views these as the bedrock of modern society, and his approach emphasizes human truths, challenges prevailing mindsets, and fosters inspiring frameworks for growth.

As the Managing Director at Harvard Innovation Labs, Chris oversaw all facets of operations while cultivating close partnerships with global thinkers and innovators. Join him in his quest to ignite transformation and usher in a new era of impactful leadership and strategic growth.