
Emily Chang

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As a child of Chinese immigrants in the US, Emily leveraged her unique experiences to ascend to global leadership roles. Her multicultural upbringing fostered 'empathetic thinking for mutual understanding,' enabling her to bridge different mindsets and disciplines effectively.

Emily attributes her staggering success to 'dancing to life's rhythms,' a philosophy leading her through numerous winding paths. As a renowned business innovator and marketer, she's held leadership roles in colossal organizations such as Procter & Gamble, Apple, Starbucks, and currently, as CEO of advertising titan McCann.

However, her profound social legacy eclipses these achievements. Over 25 years, Emily and her family have provided a home, love, care, and hope to 17 children in dire need. Her household, already consisting of her husband and daughter Laini, expanded to accommodate five dogs, a turtle, a guinea pig, and intriguingly, 129 snails. Most notably, Emily is remembered for offering sanctuary and a future to children from harrowing backgrounds, transforming their lives with love and support.

While splitting her career between the US and China, Emily now resides in Shanghai. She continues to read, write, teach, and work, annually undertaking a new venture to relish the feeling of being a novice. Her multifaceted life story embodies the power of empathy and resilience, inspiring countless individuals on a global scale.